Kevin Pickering, PhD

Kevin Pickering, PhD headshot

With more than 25 years of research experience, Kevin has undertaken research as a shipboard scientist in the Gulf of Mexico (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 96), and offshore Japan (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 131), together with on-land research in Arctic Norway, northern Russia, Newfoundland, Quebec, NE Scotland, southern Britain, SE France, Spanish Pyrenees, SE Spain, Tibet, Japan, Kyrghyzstan, Uzbekistan, California, and New Zealand.

Kevin's research interests are many and varied, with more than 130 research papers, 5 authored / co-authored books and 5 edited books, that include the following topics: Earth surface processes (particularly all aspects of deep-marine sedimentology, stratigraphy and tectonics), surface processes on Venus, global environmental issues, stratigraphy, tectonics and sedimentation, sediment geochemistry and clay mineralogy, particularly relating to deep-marine environments.
