Performance Evaluation & Reserves Estimation in Gas Reservoirs

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Who Should Attend

Reservoir and production engineers


This two-day workshop entails a fundamental understanding of well performance using several tools, such as RTA (rate-transient analysis) and DCA (decline-curve analysis). The application of DCA emphasizes matching the cumulative production curve to retain solution consistency and objectivity. Overall, the suitability of these tools for reserves forecasting will be the cornerstone of this workshop. Although deterministic reserves estimation is the main emphasis, the probabilistic approach will also gain attention.

In DCA, we introduce methods other than Arps to improve our understanding of the pros and cons of different approaches. In this context, we emphasize using the cumulative production curve to minimize the inherent noise in any rate profile. Equally important, we show that collapsing well shut-in periods is necessary in any DCA. Also, using a decline rate rather than a flow rate demonstrates the efficacy of reserve estimation. Finally, the goodness of the Arps method since its inception in 1945 does have a theoretical justification.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand data collapsing during the well shut-in periods for preserving mass in the drainage volume
  • Gain insights into the physical meaning of the Arp’s b-factor over time to assess various degrees of pressure support over time
  • Use rate-transient analysis (RTA), when possible, to gain insights into long-term performance
  • Understand reserves classification in Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS)
  • Solution workflows for participants’ specific problems

Course Content

  • Participants discuss operational problems on pertinent topics within the workshop’s scope
  • Background review of each topic
  • Hands-on problem-solving sessions using field data – preference: client’s data

Daily Agenda:

Day-1 (8 hrs)

  • Performance comparison of empirical DCA tools in diverse field settings
  • Combined static and dynamic material-balance methods to estimate the in-place volume
  • Understanding variable Arps b-factor

Day-2 (8 hrs)

  • Rate-transient analysis for estimating in-place volume & seeking corroboration with others
  • Transient-PI method for assessing in-place volume
  • Strengths and limitations of each method

Day-3 (4 hrs)

  • Assessing interwell connectivity with the reciprocal-index method
  • Estimating in-place volumes of gas and water in active aquifer systems
  • Decline-curve analysis with decline rate for improving reserves estimation

Shah Kabir
SCA Training Center - Houston
August 4-6, 2025