In-Well Fiber-Optic Sensing

Foundational • Completion • Production • Drilling • Well Integrity • Reservoir Characterization • Mapping
Classroom • Live Online 
Public • Private 

Who Should Attend

Completion, drilling, production, surveillance, and reservoir engineers who need an introduction to the design and use of fiber-optic instrumented well installations, as well as geologists and geophysicists who need an understanding of the capabilities of in-well fiber-optic sensing.


This two-day training event introduces petroleum engineers and geoscientists to fiber-optic sensing technology that is used for well and reservoir diagnostics and surveillance. Each day may be taken individually to satisfy a particular need (technology awareness, review prior to beginning FO field projects, introduction to current preferred practices) or as a sequence to obtain a more thorough understanding (to move user through “awareness” to “knowledgeable” level).

Learning Outcomes

  • How fiber-optic sensors work.
  • Where and how fiber-optic sensing can create value.
  • Technical and economic factors that influence the selection and justification for installing DAS/DTS systems in specific well types.
  • Completion and monitoring components needed to deliver a DAS/DTS-monitored well.
  • Installation and commissioning operations.

Course Content

1. In-Well Fiber-Optic Sensing: Introduction to the Technology and Applications (1 Day)

  • What is Fiber-Optic Sensing (FOS): basic physics and engineering of the FOS system components: fibers, coatings, cabling, connectors optical fibers, sensor types, instrumentation.
  • Why we would want to use FOS: advantages and disadvantages vs. other sensing/monitoring technologies.
    1. Single-point FO sensors: P, T, seismic/acoustic
    2. Distributed FO sensing: temperature (DTS), acoustics (DAS), strain (DSS)
  • Overview of the different applications
  • Survey of FOS system deployment methods
    1. Permanently installed FOS
    2. FO “logging” interventions & temporary installations
  • Data management and analysis/interpretation
  • Factors that influence FOS system selection
  • High-level screening of candidate wells and justification for installing FOS

2. In-Well Fiber-Optic Sensing: Applications and Deployment (1 Day)

Applications for Diagnostics and Surveillance

  • Introduction to “Life-of-Field” monitoring with Fiber-Optic Sensing (FOS)
  • Using FOS for completion and stimulation diagnostics, e.g.:
    1. Role in field development
    2. Well placement strategy/optimization (2- and 3-d)
    3. Stage and cluster efficiency
    4. Frac monitoring/mapping
    5. Frac “hits”
  • Life-of-field surveillance
    1. Production monitoring/multiphase inflow profiling
    2. Well-well interactions
    3. Artificial lift monitoring
    4. Well integrity
  • What FOS provides (where it works), what it misses (advantages/disadvantages vs. other monitoring tools)
  • Integration (synergy) with other monitoring methods
    1. Tracers
    2. Microseismic
    3. Tiltmeter
    4. OH and CH wireline
    5. Others

Deployment of Fiber-Optic Sensing Systems: Well Design and Installations

  • Fiber-optic sensing (FOS) well architectures
    1. Onshore
    2. Offshore
  • FOS system – component selection and specification
    1. Fiber
    2. Cables
    3. Surface instrumentation units
    4. Power/communication options
  • Completion hardware
  • Well design modifications needed to accommodate FOS
    1. Hole size
    2. Casing/tubing
    3. RIH procedures
    4. Cementing
    5. Perforating
  • Installation operations
    1. Project planning
    2. Completion/FOS installation operations
    3. Preferred/recommended practices
    • Commissioning

Dennis Dria, PhD
SCA Training Center - Houston
November 3-4, 2025

Sample Topic